We carry out business in the following sectors mainly involved in Petrochemicals, Oil and Gasindustries, Wholesale & Retail trading and servicing Industrial Equipment. The companyactivities, discussed are further elaborated in the following sub sections;
Civil construction including of preliminary works, earth works, beams, trenching,footings, roof fabrication, landscaping, welding works, fencing, pavements, drains,roads and surveyor. Managing the construction project in procuring and outsourcingthe materials, material take off and project management.
Piping fabrication and installation. Managing the QA/QC for piping in construction andturn around.
Business of manufacturing, wholesale and retail contractors and sub-contractors of allkinds of constructional, structural, civil engineering, electrical, Fiber Optic,mechanical, plumbing, sanitary and marine works and all other kinds of work,buildings, roads, drains, fencing, pavements, bridges, sewers, culverts, wharves, piers,jetties, goodness, silo, stations, hall towers, staid, reservoirs, dams, tunnels and everykind of structure, erections and buildings and as general contractors and suppliers ofall kinds of building materials, hardwires, paints, plant, machinery, equipment, tools,vessels, O2 Services and other commodities articles or things.
Business of general trading, general manpower supplies, maintenance and services,planning, management, general contractors, contractors, general constructioncontractors, engineering contractors, cleaning contractors, builders, machinery,plumbers, hailers, surveyors and planners, developers and property developers.
Trading company specializing in the dealing of equipment, plant, machinery,apparatus tools, utensils, articles and things related, in particulars to the marine,petrochemicals, oil and gas industries and any other industries in Malaysia and inother region and as a machine shop for repair, service, maintenance andmanufacturing activities in the oil and gas, power generation, transportation, marine,automotive and general industries.