Extreme Offshore Sdn Bhd is committed to produce its highest possible standard inHSE policies to serve its clients.
We shall take the initiative in developing the safe system of works and by followingstrictly the requirement of the plant rules and regulation where the activities areexecuted. We will also regularly view the standard for standard better improvementsin the future.Such improvement will be achieved by:
Ensuring that all staffs are fully aware of the company`s policy towards HSE Continuously conduct training to ensure the awareness and maintain theircompetencies.
Detailed and effective planning of all its operation. Company shall not tolerate in any misbehaviour laid-down herein
Extreme Offshore Sdn. Bhd considered the quality provided to the customer as thecore element in its business. Our aim is aware all our employee of the importance indelivering a quality output in every task assigned to us.
Our company defines quality as “QUALITY AS CONTINOUSLY SATISFYING THECUSTOMER AND EVERYTHING WE DELIVER IS FOR CUSTOMERS” In achieving this target, we will not compromise in cost saving to our customer. Thiscan be achieved by minimizing the defect of our jobs and doing the job right at thefirst time.
Extreme Offshore Sdn. Bhd is committed to EXCELLENCE IN ITS SERVICES. Thecompany will continue to recruit personals to share this vision. A commitment totraining its personals is an important part of this COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENT.
We are open to any suggestion from our customers in order to achieve the best qualityoutput and together benefit our customers and us.